Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

How to Register for the TSI

Step 1

Visit with a counselor to determine the correct assessment needed for the dual credit courses/college entrance requirements that you are interested in satisfying.

Step 2

Complete the pre-assessment activity at practice.accuplacer.org/login. You will need to create a personal account.

Step 3

Scholars that did not meet the college readiness benchmarks on their first attempt MUST participate in TSI Test Prep Tutorials before taking the exam again. tutoring sessions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, 3:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M., in room G102 (next door to the campus library).
TSi test prep tutorials are required after each unsuccessful attempt at the test.


Sign up for TSIA2.0 Test Dates

Test Prep Materials

*Duncanville instructors must assign the course for students to complete. 

Step 4

Upon completion of the tutorial session and pre-assessment activity, register for a test date. testing, for DHS and collegiate Academy students, is offered on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month and the 4th Saturday of the month.
Click on the button below to sign up for a test date. All tests are currently held in person.

Important information:

  • Your student ID is required for entry on the day of testing.
  • Completion of the Pre-Assessment is required prior to testing.
  • Proof of completion of an online practice assessment with a score of 70% or greater and/or face-to-face tutorial (with an approved DHS instructor) is required to be uploaded when registering. Student information must be visible on information that is submitted. If the student is unable to upload the image a printed copy must be submitted prior to the day of testing to Mrs. Malone or Mrs. Flanagan in the counseling center.

It is important to note that students will not be admitted to test without completing the steps above.

How are TSI scores officially reported?

All test scores will be submitted to Duncanville ISD’s department of Assessment and Accountability to be processed and uploaded on the transcript through Skyward. Allow 10-14 business days before requesting a transcript with TSI scores.